Bengaluru: Amidst the ongoing political controversy in Karnataka concerning the purported sex video scandal implicating JD-S leader Prajwal Revanna, the grandson of former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda, sources revealed that the Special Investigation Team (SIT) handling the case has sent a notification to the accused individual, requesting their presence for questioning within a 24-hour timeframe.
Furthermore, a similar notice has been dispatched to JD-S MLA H.D. Revanna, the father of Prajwal Revanna and the second individual implicated in the case.
The suspension of Prajwal Revanna, the incumbent JD-S MP and Lok Sabha hopeful from Hassan, was announced on Tuesday morning by the JD-S, following the formation of an SIT by the Karnataka Congress government to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against him.
The notice mandates the appearance of both Prajwal Revanna and his father H.D. Revanna before SP Seema Latkar within the specified period.
On Tuesday, the National Commission for Women (NCW) acknowledged the case and requested a report within three days from the Karnataka Police.
In correspondence, NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma urged Karnataka DGP Alok Mohan to take immediate and decisive measures to swiftly capture the accused, who is reported to have fled the country.
Nevertheless, Prajwal Revanna’s family asserts their willingness to cooperate with the investigation, stating that he will comply with the summons from the investigating officer whenever they are issued.
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