News Karnataka
Monday, July 01 2024

Man Demands Fee for Seat Exchange on Flight, Sparks Debate

New Project 2024 04 08t185140.858
Photo Credit : File photo

A recent incident during a flight from Bengaluru has ignited a debate on seat exchanges, as a passenger decided to demand compensation for accommodating a request to switch seats. Mahesh, sharing his experience on social media platform ‘X’, recounted how he insisted on being paid when asked to move to a different seat to accommodate a family.

“On a flight out of BLR. Someone asked if I could move to a different seat so their family could sit together. I said sure and that I accept cash/GPay, and told her I paid xxx for that seat,” Mahesh shared. The response he received wasn’t exactly what he anticipated. “Wonder why she looked so pissed off. What did she expect me to do, jump up&out of my seat?” Mahesh pondered.

The post quickly gained traction online, eliciting diverse reactions from fellow travelers. Some supported Mahesh’s approach, suggesting that entitlement should come at a cost to deter such requests. However, others criticized the commercialization of seat exchanges, emphasizing the importance of courtesy and simplicity in such situations.

Despite the mixed reactions, Mahesh’s post has garnered the attention of around 300K viewers since being shared, sparking a broader conversation about the etiquette and economics of seat exchanges during flights.

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