News Karnataka
Wednesday, June 26 2024

Founder’s Viral Post Highlights Why Hyderabad Trumps Mumbai and Bengaluru

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A startup founder’s viral post praising Hyderabad over other major metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Bengaluru has sparked a buzz on social media. Shweta Kukreja, the founder of The Marketing Anatomy, took to X (formerly Twitter) to share her insights, emphasizing her preference for Hyderabad after living there for a year.

Ms. Kukreja lauded Hyderabad as an underrated city that excels in various aspects compared to its counterparts. She listed five reasons why she favors Hyderabad over Mumbai and Bengaluru, citing factors such as less traffic, the convenience of the Outer Ring Road (ORR) for airport access, abundant greenery, captivating aesthetics, and delectable food offerings.

In response to her X post, users engaged in a lively discussion. Some expressed concerns about hyping up Hyderabad to prevent it from becoming overcrowded like Bengaluru or Mumbai. Others raised questions about safety for women and the city’s climate, particularly its heat.

Ms. Kukreja reassured users about Hyderabad’s safety, stating that she has felt secure even when out late at night. However, opinions varied among users, with some highlighting Hyderabad’s warmer climate compared to Bengaluru and Mumbai.

Additionally, users shared personal experiences and comparisons between Hyderabad and other cities, citing factors such as professional opportunities, lifestyle amenities, and cultural offerings. Despite diverging opinions, Ms. Kukreja’s post garnered significant attention, accumulating over 753,000 views and 4,800 likes since its posting on Sunday.

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