Bengaluru: The High Court dismissed a petition filed by an accused against registration of a crime case against him over alleged adulteration of milk during its transportation from dairies in local villages to the Central Main Dairy of Mandya District Milk Producers’ Societies Union Limited at Gejjalagere.
Justice M. Nagaprasanna said that the documents gathered during the investigation will necessarily be included in the chargesheet. At this point, interference is not warranted. The nutritive value of the milk will be lost due to such adulteration. Not stopping at that, it also alleged that the petitioner and the like are adding a chemical Maltodextrin to the milk.
The court made this statement while dismissing a plea submitted by Doddaraju, a city resident from Gnyanjyothi Nagar, challenging a criminal case filed by Maddur police. In May 2021, the Managing Director of the Milk Union filed the complaint under the provision of IPC and the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
The government advocate claimed that milk adulteration has grown to be a serious problem in all the contract vehicles owned by the petitioner and others. The lorries that the investigating agency seized had a secret chamber where water was kept so that when the vehicle was operating, it would percolate into the milk container, adulterating the milk.