Haveri: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has kept the report of the backward classes commission with him for the political reasons. When that report cannot be made public, Rahul Gandhi has been telling lies that his party would get the survey of the backward classes done, said former chief minister and Gadag-Haveri Lok Sabha constituency BJP candidate Basavaraj Bommai.
Addressing a series of campaign in Hangal Assembly constituency on Friday, he accused the state government of doing vengeance politics and creating the confrontation in the society. The CM has kept that report with him but not ready to public it.
Rahul Gandhi has been promising the people of the nationwide survey. Now, Rahul had been talking of implementing inheritance tax according to which the people must pay 55 per cent tax to retain property. His father, Rajiv Gandhi abolished this tax to inherit the property of his mother, Indira Gandhi. After public protest, he has been talking of the survey. Rahul owes an explanation on his stand, he said.
The former CM said a number of freedom fighters including Bhagat Singh sacrificed their lives during the freedom struggle and none of them got the benefit of the freedom. But Nehru,- Gandhi family got the maximum benefit and it’s family property became fat. The Congress party was responsible for the increased assets of Ambani and Adani. People must vote for the BJP to retain their property and to the Congress party to lose their asset.
He said women were not safe in the state especially Dalits and minorities. The CM attributed Neha’s murder to personal reasons. On May 7, the people must vote for the BJP and the Chembu’ to Congress party.