Chandigarh: During the Republic Day celebrations on Friday, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann performed spontaneously while attending the ‘At Home’ event at the Raj Bhavan in Chandigarh. Mr. Mann delightingly performed a rendition of ‘Challa’ by renowned singer Gurdas Mann for the audience.
Following his performance, the Chief Minister, who had previously clashed with the Punjab governor over a number of issues, approached Banwarilal Purohit, who clapped for Mr. Mann and said, “Kamaal kar diya aapne”. Mr. Mann performed a Punjabi folk song called “Challa.”
“You created such an atmosphere that the artist inside me could not hold back (‘aapne aisa mahol bana diya, andar ka kalakar reh nahin paya’),” the Chief Minister told the Governor.
After Mr Mann finished his performance, the dignitaries sitting in the audience including Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan, Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher and Additional Solicitor General of India Satyapal Jain among others clapped for the chief minister.
Mr. Purohit and Mr. Mann had been at odds over a number of matters, such as having assembly sessions and designating vice-chancellors.
Even Mr. Mann referring to his official letters as “love letters” had angered Mr. Purohit.
Given that Mr. Mann did not attend an Independence Day event the previous year, his attendance at the Raj Bhavan’s “At Home” event is noteworthy.