Tarn Taran, Punjab : On Monday, Border Security Force (BSF) troops apprehended a Pakistani national near the border fence in an area adjacent to Pallopati village within Tarn Taran district. The individual, identified as a 16-year-old from Kasur, Pakistan, was subjected to initial questioning by BSF, local police, and other agencies. Their responses indicated coherence and familiarity with the surrounding area.
During the arrest, one mobile phone and a Pakistan currency note worth PKR ₹100 were seized from the intruder. Following a medical examination, at approximately 6:15 pm, the detainee was transferred to Police Station Khalra for further investigation into their motives and plans.
BSF promptly raised objections with Pakistan Rangers for failing to prevent unauthorized movement near the International Border (IB). However, Pakistan Rangers stated that they had no reports of missing individuals on their side.
Tarn Taran, Punjab: On February 5, BSF troops apprehended a Pakistani national near the international border in a village of Tarn Taran district. The apprehended 16-year-old, revealed himself to be a resident of Kasur in Pakistan. One mobile phone and one Pakistan currency note… pic.twitter.com/LRVJPvOaCQ
— ANI (@ANI) February 5, 2024
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