Amritsar : In a tragic event, a pregnant woman in Punjab lost her life in a devastating fire reportedly ignited by her husband following a dispute on Friday.
According to authorities, the 23-year-old woman, who was six months pregnant, tragically perished at the scene.
Law enforcement revealed that the couple engaged in a heated argument on Friday, leading to the husband, Sukhdev, allegedly tying Pinky – who was expecting twins – to a bed and setting her ablaze in a moment of fury.
The distressing incident unfolded on Friday in Bullenangal village near Amritsar.
Officials noted that Sukhdev and Pinky had a tumultuous relationship marked by frequent quarrels over various matters. They asserted that after their latest argument on Friday, Sukhdev committed the heinous act before absconding.
The National Commission for Women (NCW) has taken notice of the incident and has urged the Punjab Police to provide a comprehensive report. In a statement, they expressed shock over the brutality of the act and called for swift action, emphasizing the urgency to curb domestic violence.
Appalled by the horrifying incident in Amritsar where a man allegedly set his pregnant wife on fire. The brutality of this act is unimaginable. Hon’ble Chairperson NCW @sharmarekha has written a letter to DGP Punjab to arrest the perpetrator and submit an action report in three…
— NCW (@NCWIndia) April 20, 2024
Following the incident, Sukhdev, who had fled, was apprehended by police late last evening. Authorities confirmed that a case has been registered, and investigations are underway.
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