A 19-year-old man died on Tuesday in Mumbai following his consumption of shawarma from a roadside vendor in Trombay on Monday, marking the second case of food poisoning in two weeks, according to officials. Due to the fact that the chicken they served was spoiled, two vendors have been taken into custody.
On May 3, residents of Maharashtra Nagar, Prathamesh Bhokse (19) and his uncle Hameed Abbas Syed (40), ate shawarma at a food stand owned by Anand Kamble and Mohammad Shaikh close to Hanuman Chali, according to Trombay Police officers.
Prathamesh went to the local municipal hospital the following day for medical attention after experiencing vomiting and stomach pains. After receiving treatment, he felt better.
Twelve persons were admitted to the hospital in the final week of April due to food illness after consuming chicken shawarma from a roadside vendor in Goregaon.
Trombay police filed a formal complaint (FIR) against the store owner for supplying spoiled chicken in shawarma, which resulted in the teenager’s death, based on the teenager’s uncle’s statement and the hospital report. The store proprietors were both taken into custody.He was brought to KEM Hospital Parel on May 5, though, because he had diarrhea, and the on-call physician treated him before sending him home. He became weak on Monday morning and was brought back to KEM, where he was admitted and passed away on Tuesday while receiving treatment.
“We attempted to revive him, but he passed away on Tuesday,” a hospital physician stated.
“We are still investigating the matter,” Amol Chate, the investigating officer, stated to The Indian Express.
“Eating roadside chicken in the summertime carries serious health hazards, such as severe food poisoning and perhaps lethal consequences. High temperatures and careless food handling raise the risk of bacterial infection, which can result in gastrointestinal disorders, according to a KEM hospital physician who spoke on condition of anonymity.
In the meantime, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has begun to crack down on unauthorized food vendors in the neighbourhood.