News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024
Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Man Prays at Temple, Then Throws Bombs at House

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Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh: Police in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, reported a disturbing incident where a man, identified as Anand Thakur, resorted to violent intimidation tactics against residents who refused to pay him ‘security money’.

The alarming episode unfolded near Bharat Krishi Samaj School in the Ghamapur area. CCTV footage captured Thakur hurling bombs at a house in an attempt to spread fear. While one bomb failed to detonate, another exploded, enveloping the vicinity in smoke.

Thakur, known for his extortion activities in the region, has a history of intimidating both residents and businessmen. Residents promptly filed a formal complaint at Ghamapur Police Station, prompting authorities to launch a search operation to apprehend Thakur.

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