Mandi: Actress Kangana Ranaut launched a blistering attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during her debut rally in Mandi, where she is contesting the Lok Sabha elections on a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ticket. Criticizing Gandhi’s remark about “destroying shakti,” Kangana accused him of targeting “Hindu Shakti” while praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to protecting “Nari Shakti.”
Thousands of supporters gathered for Kangana’s roadshow in Sarkaghat, her native place, as she made her way to her ancestral village of Bhambla. The actress-turned-politician waved to the crowd from an open gypsy, with many spectators lining rooftops to catch a glimpse of her.
Along the route, Kangana was greeted with garlands by eagerly awaiting locals, predominantly women, who affectionately referred to her as “Mandi ki beti.” Switching to the local Mandeali dialect during her address, Kangana connected deeply with the audience. Upon reaching her ancestral home, she received a warm welcome from hundreds of supporters, humbly bowing to an elderly woman.
Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve her birthplace, Kangana emphasized her commitment to Mandi’s welfare. She condemned the Congress party’s attempt to undermine her candidacy and criticized Congress leader Supriya Shrinate for making derogatory remarks about her and the women of Mandi.
Asserting her strong ties to Mandi, Kangana affirmed, “I belong to Mandi, and I am here to represent its people. Opposition parties may question my dedication, but they fail to recognize that Mandi is in my heart, and I will secure a historic victory from here.”
Referring to herself as part of “Modi’s army,” Kangana hailed Prime Minister Modi as a visionary leader with ambitious plans for India’s development by 2047.
The Mandi Lok Sabha seat, currently held by HP Congress chief Pratibha Singh, faces a dynamic electoral battle with Kangana’s entry into the fray. While Singh initially opted out of the race, Kangana’s candidacy has stirred up political dynamics, prompting the Congress high command to reconsider its strategy.
With the elections scheduled for June 1, both the BJP and Congress are gearing up for a crucial electoral showdown in Mandi and other constituencies in Himachal Pradesh. While the BJP has finalized its candidates, the Congress is yet to announce its lineup.