Ranchi: According to official sources, the Enforcement Directorate detained Sanjiv Lal, the personal secretary of Jharkhand minister Alamgir Alam, along with Lal’s domestic help, subsequent to the discovery of more than ₹32 crore in cash in their possession. They were apprehended under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) after extensive questioning.
The ED’s investigation, targeting alleged discrepancies within the state rural development department, led them to conduct a raid on a 2BHK flat in the city reportedly inhabited by Lal’s domestic help, Jehangir. This operation resulted in the seizure of over ₹32 crore in cash, with an additional ₹3 crore discovered at other searched locations, bringing the total cash recovered to ₹35.23 crore.
Despite these developments, Jharkhand rural development minister and Congress leader Alam maintains his innocence, denying any involvement in unlawful activities.
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