News Karnataka
Sunday, September 15 2024

Teenager Harassed at a Metro Station in Delhi

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Photo Credit : Google

A 16-year-old Delhi boy recently wrote about a terrifying encounter with a stranger on the metro who he claims sexually abused him on Reddit and then on “X.” The adolescent posted in the “Delhi” subreddit, where he talked about how he felt something touch his behind as soon as he boarded the train at Rajiv Chowk. It dawned on him that a man was softly massaging his intimate areas with his fingertips.

The OP began his account of the incident on “X” by saying, “I grabbed his hand back and he started touching my hand, which shocked me but I couldn’t react and moved ahead.” However, it was far from ended. “He tried to touch me again and was successful,” he said. I gave his hand a firm pinch this time, and I think it started to bleed, which is why he stopped for a bit. I was unable to see his face throughout the entire ordeal. Then, I fervently waited to get off, thinking that we were probably done here.

The attacker continued to touch him for a third time even after that. The OP snapped a photo of himself while yanking out his hair in a fit of rage. Then he hoped it would be over, waiting impatiently for his destination to arrive. Unfortunately, “I had to go to the yellow line eventually and he caught me on my way. I got out as soon as I reached my station (Kashmere gate) and tried to go the opposite way in an attempt to mislead him. It worked for a while. I jumped on the escalator as quickly as possible.

He “ran for his life” at that point, moving as quickly as he could, and eventually came across a security guard who guaranteed his safe passage.

He reported the horrific encounter to the Delhi Police, who replied to his post on ‘X’ by asking for his contact information.

In his latest update, the OP shared, “I’ve talked to a advocate and she told me about all the legal procedures that’ll have to go through. I’ll keep you all updated via this Twitter account,” he said, noting that despite taking medicine, he still has trouble falling asleep.

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