News Karnataka
Thursday, September 19 2024

Rise in Mumps Cases Sparks Concern in Delhi

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Delhi has seen a surge in mumps cases in recent weeks, raising concerns among the public. Mumps, a contagious viral infection primarily affecting children, has become a growing health issue. This surge in cases mirrors a similar situation observed in Kerala in March 2024.

Mumps is characterized by swelling and pain in the parotid glands, located on each side of the face, which produce saliva. The infection also presents with symptoms such as fever, earache, body ache, headache, weakness, and loss of appetite. These symptoms typically manifest around 2 weeks after infection, followed by high fever and swelling of the glands over the subsequent days.

Preventive Measures and Tips for Mumps:

1. Vaccination: Ensure children receive the combined MMR vaccine, offering protection against measles, mumps, and rubella, administered in two doses.

2. Avoid Exposure: Individuals experiencing mumps symptoms should refrain from attending school or interacting closely with others to prevent transmission.

3. Hand Hygiene: Regular hand washing with soap and water is essential to prevent the spread of the infection.

4. Respiratory Etiquette: Covering one’s face while coughing or sneezing helps contain the spread of mumps.

While there is no specific treatment for mumps, medications can alleviate symptoms and pain. It is crucial to seek medical assistance promptly if any of the aforementioned symptoms manifest in a child.

By adhering to preventive measures and promoting vaccination, communities can mitigate the spread of mumps and safeguard the well-being of children and the broader population.

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