Onboard the Migration Train: Anand Vihar and New Delhi stations bustle with migrant workers, accompanied by families, boarding trains bound for Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Among them is Jitender Kumar, 28, making his way to Siwan. He reassures his wife over the phone before boarding, a common ritual for those embarking on this journey.
The Journey of Dreams and Struggles: The compartments are filled with the scent of sweat and aspirations, as migrants carry their belongings in plastic sacks and thailas, contrasting with the luxury luggage of higher class passengers. Earning Rs 20,000 or more is considered a significant achievement for individuals like Kumar, who left his village in Siwan at a young age to work in Noida.
Purvanchal: The Labour Belt: The Purvanchal region, spanning eastern Uttar Pradesh and parts of western Bihar, is renowned for its Bhojpuri culture and significant labour migration. Despite its political significance, the region grapples with poor human development indices and socio-economic disparities.
The Political Catalyst: Purvanchal’s influence on national politics is undeniable, as control over Uttar Pradesh holds significant sway over federal administration. However, its economic challenges have sparked debates over fair resource allocations, echoing the ‘performing states’ vs ‘non-performing states’ discourse.
Conclusion: As migrants return home for festivals like Holi, their stories reflect the complex interplay between aspirations, struggles, and the socio-political landscape of Purvanchal.