News Karnataka
Sunday, February 16 2025
Health & Lifestyle

World Environment Day: Top 8 habits to cheer your life style

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News Karnataka-Exclusive:

By: Cindrella Daryani

June 5, has been celebrated as the World Environment Day every year, widely across the world. Let’s take a pleasure of the environment on this day by adding some easy and effective steps in your lifestyle.
Eat and live organically: Eating a healthy organic food not only enriches your health but also reduces the negative impact on the environment. Now-a-days, several stores, malls have been opened up which provide organic vegetables, pulses and cereals.
Vegetables, which are grown chemically with the use of pesticides and insecticides; certainly harm a human body in the long run as well as the soil where it has been produced. Make aware yourself and the people around you and start introducing an organic diet in your lifestyle.

Groom organically: Organic clothing isn’t much fashionable. But, its comfort is far better than the colourful dyed clothes. Organic clothes can soothe your body internally while being in contact with your skin whereas dyed clothes can give a temporary external calm to your body.

Let’s understand, how can your clothing be an organic: Organic clothes are based on the organic agricultural standards. Today, there are several organic cloth materials that are available in the market such as silk, jute, cotton, ramie or wool.

Trendy jute handbags, slippers, bellies have grapple the attention of buyers. Presently, many organic brands have opened up their stores in India, which started retailing in organic clothing as well. Besides, organic clothes can make you to put more bucks while buying because of its chemical free production. Thus, your one step for organic clothing can push its demand in future.

Use of solar energy: Solar energy is known to be an environment friendly because its source of energy is the Sun, which can never bring any negative harm to the environment. Solar energy is segregated in the two parts: One is active which produces electricity while using solar technologies; other is passive solar energy which produces heat.

Increase the use of solar products and gadgets in your daily life such as solar appliances like solar cooker, solar heater, solar panels, which not only saves your electricity bill but also helps you to bring more near to the renewable way of living.

Effective garbage management: According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization about 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year. Think, how can you save your food and manage your kitchen waste.

Step 1: Don’t get lured by the discounts and offers, buy food as per your requirement.

Step 2: If you find your fruits or vegetables have become soggy then use it for a desert or your soft veggie for the soup.

Step 3: Avoid mixing plastic bags of any eatable items in your kitchen garbage. Kitchen garbage mainly consists of peeled skin of fruits or vegetables. Thus, this kitchen garbage, you can use it as an organic manure for your plants and trees. These small steps will preserve your environment to be hygienic.

Plant Neem and Basil tree: Planting trees and saplings are always effective to the environment, specifically neem tree is known as the oxygen cylinders, the tree consist of several amazing properties such as it is noted for its drought resistance. It can easily tolerate extreme high temperatures. It is typical tropical and subtropical tree. The tree has ability to absorb environmental pollutants and act as an air freshener.

Basil plant (Tulsi) is always better to plant in your compound owing to its medicinal and environmental properties.

Don’t let dry leaves put in garbage, burn it: Dry twigs, barks, leaves are not meant to be called as garbage. You can use them to clean the environment while burning it in a heap. Especially, if you are smoldering neem leaves, then it will not only reduce tiny air pollutants but also mosquitoes as well as helps to detoxify your surrounded air into a fresh air. 

Go for cycling: What is much better than a cycling? No fuel, no noise, no pollution! From years and years, cycling will always be a compliment factor to the environment. Presently, it may be difficult to get consistent with the cycle in your daily routine, where personal status is more prominent, but not an impossible thing.

Clean environment can give a stress free life: All the above mentioned effective ways will certainly soothe your life, if they are comprised in your lifestyle. Because the more you are nearer to the environment, the more you are blessed with a stress free life!

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