News Karnataka
Friday, February 14 2025
Health & Lifestyle

Wait till fifth date before heading to bed with her!

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London (IANS) :In love? Wait till your fifth date before you can expect her to follow you in bed!

According to research, a girl is not prepared to have sex with a new partner until the fifth date.

So what happens in first four dates?

“Some soul searching via a 10-point mental checklist that a girl has,” said a survey by the dating site

She needs four dates to judge the suitability of a potential new boyfriend, the survey, that included 2,000 women, found.

Is he trustworthy? Do we click? Can he make me laugh? Such questions dominate her mind.

What is more, a woman will expect 12 text conversations, five long phone chats and ideally a bunch of flowers before taking things further.

Also, do not forget three films, seven passionate kisses and four meals together to make your dream come true.

She is also looking out for signs that he wants to get intimate too quickly or that he might get too clingy afterwards.

Nearly half of women make up their minds on a person 10 minutes into a first date, the survey noted.

The biggest dating turn offs are body odour and lack of chemistry.

Catching the man looking at other women while on the date is a strict no no, the survey added.

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