News Karnataka
Wednesday, February 12 2025
Health & Lifestyle

Drive Headaches Away by Breathing !

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One of the simplest relaxation exercises is deep breathing, which will release endorphins,the bodys very own painkillers into our body.
Begin by breathing through your nostrils, inhale for five counts, silently saying the word “in” (concentrate on breathing deeply), fill your lower abdomen with air, count to five, and then exhale slowly, silently saying the word “out” as you let the air escape through your mouth. Repeat this exercise for about two minutes, gradually you will be able to build up to ten counts or higher.

Best ways to drive out Headaches

Headaches can be caused by a number of different reasons, and diet is only one area that could contribute. The most common causes of headaches are stress with associatd muscle tension, or hormones or medication or medical conditions like high blood pressure or water retention.

Ensure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, and limit alcohol consumption to a maximum or abstain completely. Increase water intake if you are having alcohol.

Keep your blood sugars constant by eating regular meals, preferably with snacks in between, and limit intake of very sugary foods (e.g. sugar, jam, cool drinks, sweets, etc.) as these cause a rapid rise and resultant fall in sugar levels.

Eat high fibre foods to help keep blood sugar levels constant. Certain foods can trigger headaches. Dietary triggers are foods which are commonly found to trigger headaches or migraines in certain individuals.

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