News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024
Health & Lifestyle

Managing Blood Sugar Naturally: Cardamom Tea for Diabetes

Cardamom Tea
Photo Credit : i stock

In Indian kitchens, a rich tapestry of foods interweaves with an abundance of spices, creating a culinary landscape renowned for its diverse flavors. Certain spices are ubiquitous in everyday cooking, while others are employed more selectively. Cardamom, or elaichi, is a prime example, commonly found in traditional desserts and select savory dishes such as biryani. The verdant pods of cardamom infuse dishes with an invigorating aroma and a subtly sweet, minty taste, often enjoyed post-meal for a refreshing breath.

It’s worth noting that cardamom is a staple ingredient in the beloved Indian beverage, tea, with many incorporating it into their daily brew. Beyond its culinary applications, cardamom boasts a long history of use in Ayurvedic practices for its therapeutic properties. Renowned for its antioxidant and antibiotic qualities, it’s believed to alleviate common ailments like colds and coughs. Additionally, studies suggest it may aid in weight loss and offer relief from symptoms associated with depression and hypertension. Surprisingly, it’s also been linked to managing diabetes, a lesser-known benefit.

Here’s how you can make cardamom tea to combat diabetes:

1. Milk Tea with Cardamom: Crush two cardamom pods per cup of tea and add them to boiling water. Follow with tea leaves and milk as usual. For added health benefits and flavor, consider adding crushed ginger alongside cardamom to the boiling water. Natural sweeteners like honey can be added, though consulting a doctor beforehand is advisable.

2. Cardamom-Pepper Tea: For a fragrant blend, combine two cardamom pods, two cloves, two peppercorns, and half an inch of cinnamon stick with two cups of boiling water. Simmer for at least thirty minutes, then strain and add milk.

3. Black Tea: Peel the skin of two cardamom pods and add them, along with the skin, to boiling water. Incorporate tea leaves and allow it to boil. Strain and enjoy this flavorful black tea.

While cardamom-infused teas can be a flavorful addition to a diabetes diet, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or dietitian before making significant dietary changes.

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