New Delhi: Parineeti Chopra, lauded for her performance in “Amar Singh Chamkila,” recently shared a nostalgic throwback video from her teenage years. Donning a red salwar suit, she passionately sings a patriotic song in the clip, originally aired on Doordarshan. With a simple caption, “My real debut,” Parineeti stirred up a frenzy in the comments section. Mika Singh chimed in with admiration, labeling her a natural star, while others found her rendition too adorable to handle. Her mother, Reena Chopra, added to the love with red heart emojis, and fans showered her with compliments, hailing her as a timeless beauty of Bollywood.
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Reflecting on her journey, Parineeti opened up about facing judgment from peers in the industry for lacking the resources of fitness trainers and stylists due to her modest background. Dismissing such critiques as misguided, she emphasized her simple, middle-class roots and confessed her unfamiliarity with the glitzy world of Mumbai. Despite the scrutiny, she remains resolute in her authenticity.
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Expressing gratitude for the overwhelming response to her film, Parineeti shared behind-the-scenes snapshots, acknowledging the flood of praise and affirmations of her comeback. With tears of joy, she embraces the declaration, “PARINEETI IS BACK,” affirming her enduring presence in the industry.
Directed by Imtiaz Ali and featuring music by AR Rahman, “Amar Singh Chamkila” hit Netflix screens on April 12. The movie delves into the life of Punjabi music icon Amar Singh Chamkila, with Parineeti portraying his wife and frequent collaborator, Amarjot Kaur.