Recently released pictures from the sets of Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana have been making a lot of waves online. In the movie, Yash plays Ravana, Sai Pallavi plays Sita, and Ranbir Kapoor plays Lord Ram. In relation to the images circulating on social media, they showcase Lara Dutta, Arun Govil, and Sheeba Chaddha decked out in their corresponding costumes. According to reports, Lara Dutta plays Kaikeyi in the movie. Dashrath will supposedly be played by Arun Govil, who gained notoriety for his portrayal of Lord Rama in the 1987 television series Ramamayan. Sheeba Chaddha will play Surpanakha in the movie.
The pictures shared by a fan club on X (earlier known as Twitter) read, “Shoot for the biggest movie of Indian Cinema – Ramayana has started. Casting is already looking , I have high hopes from this one directed by very talented Nitish Tiwari.”
Check out the viral photos here:
Shoot for The BIGGEST movie of Indian Cinema – RAMAYANA has started. 💥
Casting is already looking 🔥, I have high hopes from this one directed by very talented Nitish Tiwari 🤞#ArunGovil #LaraDutta #Ramayana #RanbirKapoor #Yash #SaiPallavi #Ramayan 🚩
— αbhι¹⁸ (@CricCineHub) April 4, 2024
A few days ago, Ranbir Kapoor’s pictures from the film’s preparatory session went viral on the Internet. The pictures feature the actor posing with his archery coach.
RK with 🏹archery coach 📸🤳#recentclicks
— Ranbir Kapoor 👑❤️ (@Khushali_rk) March 25, 2024
Arun Govil, meanwhile, recently discussed his feelings regarding Ranbir Kapoor’s impending role as Lord Ram in an interview. “Ranbir is a good actor,” Arun Govil stated in an interview with Bollywood Spy. He’s an actor with accolades. Bahut mehnat se kaam karte hai vo, jitna janta hu mai unke baare mein. Basically, bahut sanskaari bache hai vo. Sanskar, sanskriti, and unke andar morals hai, maine dekha hai kai baar unko [I’ve heard that he puts in a lot of work. In essence, he is a very well-read child. He has strong morals, moral principles, and a strong sense of tradition. I’ve seen this happen several times. I have no doubt that he will make an effort to the best of his abilities. It should come out well).”
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