Mumbai: Actor Bhavin Bhanushali is all set to begin filming for his upcoming movie titled ‘Ishq Pashmina.’
Bhavin is in Shimla these days and busy shooting for his movie. “I am all excited for this big project and I cannot wait for the shoot to start. From watching mega movies to getting this big opportunity to work on such a grand project, this is truly a dream come true for me. I hope I will be able to do justice to my role and the people who love my work.”
The actor is known for featuring in music videos, shows and films like ‘Chidiya Ghar,’ ‘De De Pyaar De,’ ‘Vellapanti,’ ‘Dil Dosti Dance,’ as well as songs like ‘Rula Ke Gaya Ishq,’ ‘Kyu Khafa Ho,’ ‘Maahiya’ and ‘Raanjhan Ve.’
‘Ishq Pashmina’ is written and directed by Arvind Pandey, produced by Krishna Shanti Production House and stars Malti Chahar, Zareena Wahab and Bijendra Kala in prominent roles. The music of the film is composed by Sham-Balkaar and Shashwat Prakhar Bharwaj.