India has achieved a significant milestone in adoption, surpassing the 4,000-adoption mark for the first time in five years, according to recent government data reported by the Times of India...
Know MoreAll you need is a child who finds for himself a place in the community, a community that he, in those early growing years of...
Know MoreSharing a new word with your child doesn't have to take a long time: just a few minutes to talk about the word and then...
Know MoreChildren have no answer to the loneliness that haunts them. They are not aware of why they are so lonely. Sometimes they are surrounded by...
Know MorePlaying sports early enables children to participate in social interactions and build key social...
Know MoreArt and crafts that will improve child development. But it’s a great way for parents to spend quality time with their kids and keep them...
Know MoreGood sportsmanship is one of the life lessons that children can learn from sports. You can help your children understand and value good sportsmanship while...
Know MoreAnxiety is very common in the pre-teen and teenage years. This is because adolescence is a time of emotional, physical and social change, which is happening...
Know MoreMood swings in children may be attributed to their inability to express intense emotions, such as disappointment and dissatisfaction...
Know MoreDiscipline is about guiding and teaching our children and it’s not about punishment or anger. It is simply a way of helping kids learn right...
Know MoreEvery child experiences moments where they feel not good enough when compared to others, but there are times when these comparisons and beliefs leads to...
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