News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024
Business News

Zerodha’s Nithin Kamath Returns After Stroke

Photo Credit : Twitter

Around two months after revealing that he had experienced a mild stroke, co-founder and CEO of Zerodha Nithin Kamath made his first public appearance.

The 44-year-old businessman posted a photo of himself at the Zero1 fest on X, where he talked about wealth and health.

“Slowly getting back to normal. At the Zero1 fest, talking about health and wealth with @nasdaily, JC @FITTRwithsquats, and @twitellectual,” Mr Kamath wrote.

Since being shared, the post garnered over 80K views and received several responses from X users.

One player commented, “Nice to see you back in the game.”

“I attended the festival. I adored every aspect of it. Zero1 Fest was fantastic. Another user commented, “If there had been a designated parking space and the weather wasn’t so hot, the experience could have been better.

Mr Kamath revealed about the stroke in February in a post, saying that anything from poor sleep and exhaustion to the passing away of his father could be the reason.

“Around 6 weeks ago, I had a mild stroke out of the blue. Dad passing away, poor sleep, exhaustion, dehydration, and overworking out — any of these could be possible reasons,” he posted.

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