News Karnataka
Thursday, September 19 2024

Two Men In Gaza Spit at a Christian Priest

Two Men In Gaza Spit at a Christian Priest
Photo Credit : Google

While Christians strongly believe that a priest takes the place of Jesus, it is indeed horrifying to hear of the recent incident in Jerusalem, where five Palestinians come forward to spit at a Christian priest. 

The incident is said to have taken place in Gaza, at the Zion Gate on a Saturday evening, in the middle of an interview, when the two youngsters came forward to insult Father Schnabel. 

The correspondent Natalie Amiri, who was interviewing the priest at the moment, didn’t fail to capture a video, which she shared with her 1,14,000 followers on Instagram and later sent to CNN. 

The incident has not just gone viral, but spread to the extent of having reached the Prime Minister Isreal Katz, who describes the incident as plain ugly. 

What’s worse is that this was not all. The act was also accompanied by some swearing, insults and a kick hurled at the rather gentle priest, who did little to react, apart from taking a picture of the men, who the police later arrested. 

There were attempts from those in the crowd to stop the men from hurting the priests, but the duo were rather aggressive, with one of them stating that this was what he did to all Christians, in a clear indication of his hatred for them. 

This is another painful moment for Christians over the globe, but the question is, what blessings can a place which is known for being in tension, except if there is more harm than good done to the prophets sent to be among them?

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