News Karnataka
Thursday, June 27 2024

5-Year-Old Boy Killed After Teenager Drives Car Over Him in Bengaluru

Photo Credit : News Karnataka

Bengaluru: A tragic incident a teenager in Bengaluru killed a five-year-old boy after he allegedly ran over the car while the kid was playing outside his home. The incident happened on Sunday morning at Nanja Reddy Colony of Jeevan Bheema Nagar in Bengaluru.

Young Aarav ventured out of his home to join his friends in play around 10:30 am. Tragically, a speeding car struck him, inflicting severe head injuries. Promptly, those nearby alerted Aarav’s parents, who rushed him to a nearby hospital. Despite their efforts, medical professionals pronounced him dead upon arrival.

Investigations unveiled that an 18-year-old named Devaraj was behind the wheel during the fatal collision. The car belonged to a relative employed in the City Armed Reserve (CAR) forces. Alarmingly, Devaraj lacked a valid driver’s license and had even collided with parked vehicles prior to the tragic incident.

Devaraj purportedly borrowed the car key for cleaning purposes. However, upon completing the task, instead of activating the wipers, he inadvertently started the vehicle and lost control, leading to the devastating accident. Subsequently, authorities filed a case at JB Nagar traffic police station, charging Devaraj under IPC Sections 279 (rash driving or riding in a public way) and 304 A (causing death by negligence).

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