Scam messages are commonly seen on WhatsApp. It is recommended that such messages be ignored and blocked in order to prevent falling victim to cyberfraud. This X user typically doesn’t do that, but on one occasion he chose to respond to a scam message he saw on the Meta-owned platform. He thought about calling the con artist and “bash him,” but ultimately he just started talking. He had no idea, though, that the conversation would take an odd, and somewhat endearing, turn when the scammer congratulated him on his impending nuptials and gave him some important advice about cyber security.
X user Chetty Arun posted a thread detailing his conversation with a scammer, along with screenshots from WhatsApp. The con artist opens up to Arun in the thread and claims to have been con artisting people for the past ten years. He also describes how a victim’s phone can be taken over via APK files. The con artist ends by wishing Arun luck.
I spoke with yet another scammer today. I don't know why I do this, but here we go.
It all started with a few annoying Whatsapp messages trying to scam me. But we ended up wishing each other good luck 😂
— Chetty Arun (@ChettyArun) April 19, 2024
The thread captured Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma’s attention. He retweeted the post and wrote, “You won’t stop till you read this full thread!”
“We love everything about this thread! Education and still being a human,” posted an X user.
“I swear this was more entertaining than any comedy show,” shared another.
“This was too good but also should be shared for public awareness,” expressed a third.
“More exciting story than any movie or web series,” commented a fourth.
“He was so much interested in your DP that he asked 2-3 times,” added a fifth.
“It was sweet and beautiful. The guy is really kind-hearted and lovely. The way you handled it is also commendable. Thanks for sharing the info. I hope the boy gets a better job to do in life,” joined a sixth.
‘I don’t know what to think of scammers after reading this thread,” wrote a sixth.
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