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Sunday, September 15 2024
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Man’s In-Flight Shrimp Cook Sparks Internet Outrage

Photo Credit : News Karnataka

The “Bathroom Chef,” also known as Barfly7777, is seen cooking mashed potatoes and garlic shrimp in an airplane restroom in a recently circulated video. How? You will be both shocked and disgusted by the process, so beware. To cook all the ingredients, he used “an immersion beverage heater” and “two 6v batteries wired in series.” “I got a terrible idea,” the bathroom chef says as he drives in the now-viral video. It’s a really bad idea. I’m a little uneasy. The items I have packed would appear to be explosives.” The video then shows him showing off the shrimp and roasted garlic potato packets. Carrying a couple of in-flight instruction booklets, he makes his way over to the restroom.

The man started the cooking process by adding water to the bathroom sink. He then began to boil the water after fastening the batteries to the immersion rod. Concerned about the table in his kitchen? He made his countertop out of the diaper changing station. He put shrimp in the sink once the water began to boil. The man added a little garlic spread and salt to intensify the flavors. Next, he uses his hands to mash the roasted garlic potato powder in the same water. He puts the shrimp and the potatoes in a plastic bag.

Sharing the video, he wrote, “With 2 6v batteries wired in series to an immersion beverage heater, one is able to get water scalding hot quickly. Raw shrimp will only need a few minutes. Adding instant mash to the shrimp water adds some extra flavour. Garlic butter makes everything go better.”

Instagram users were, predictably, disgusted with the whole process. Many said he ought to be prohibited from traveling by air, saying things like “You need to be banned from flying.”

Someone else said, “If I ever see you on my plane or at my hotel, I’m calling the police…”

“Please make sure I am never on a flight with this guy,” a user said.

Many criticized the airline and enquired as to whether such behavior was permitted on a flight. “Delta Airlines, you allow this type of behaviour?”

Another user jokingly commented, “Passenger that used the bathroom after him: ‘Somebody cooked in here'”.

“Stop this man at all costs” was the sentiment on social media.

A comment read, “This is gonna land you on the no-fly list.”

One person wondered aloud, “How am I getting pulled out of line for being a half ounce over on my deodorant but you’re bringing on a pound of shrimp and enough batteries to jump-start a Buick?”

So far, the video has been played nearly 1.2 million times.

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