Recently, two viral videos featuring a girl playing Holi with her friend inside the Delhi Metro and another featuring her falling off a scooter grabbed the attention of everyone, including the authorities. With millions of views, both videos went viral and forced the creators to face consequences from the authorities.
Despite the fact that the videos were filmed in two separate locations, they both starred Priti Maurya, a social media influencer with a sizable Instagram fan base. The 22-year-old creator recently talked about how she moved from Uttarakhand to Noida and shared how her “talent” for making captivating reels helped her go from being a househelp to a social media star.
Priti is a resident of Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, and has been living in Noida for the last two years. She has been creating reels on social media for a long time but said that she received massive backlash after the recent two viral videos.
Delhi Metro अब Oyo वाली सुविधा भी प्रदान कर रहा है, वो भी निशुल्क
जनहित में जारी
😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲— HasnaZarooriHai🇮🇳 (@HasnaZaruriHai) March 23, 2024
Priti claimed that she is now making a good living each month from her reels and videos, having previously worked as a housekeeper in people’s homes.
“It’s untrue that I create these reels for entertainment value or to gain notoriety because I am driven by certain compulsions to do what I do. I make a good living doing this,” she remarked.
“When I was only two years old, my parents separated because they used to fight every day. After their divorces, they both remarried, and I was never able to experience father love. I used to get terrible treatment from my stepfather, and I had to work all day and sing in the home chorus. My mother had no power,” she remarked.
NOIDA | @noidapolice Young generation spreading obscenity in the name of Holi. The impact of Delhi Metro reached Greater Noida, call it the extent of meanness or the madness of reels. There is also a violation of traffic rules. Scooty number (UP16CX-0866) I hope the challan will…
— ℝ𝕒𝕛 𝕄𝕒𝕛𝕚 (@Rajmajiofficial) March 25, 2024