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Thursday, October 03 2024
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Couples Ugly Brawl Plunges Into Drain, Leaves Netizens Speechless

Photo Credit : Google

A couple fighting on the side of the road was captured on camera, and the reason it went viral on social media was a little too “bizarre.” In the video, the woman kicked her partner in the back, setting off a fight between the two. The fight quickly became so nasty that the two found themselves fighting in a dirty drain while drenched. When the video went viral, it caused some confusion and concern in equal measure. The couple appeared willing to go to great lengths in order to garner attention on the internet, prompting some to label their altercation as a “scripted fight.”

The video was shared on the social media platform Instagram, by the handle ‘Arhant Shelby’. The post was then re-shared on the handle ‘Ghar ke lakesh’, with the captioned, “Overacting ke 50 Rs Kaat- kinda kalesh b/w Husband and Wife.”

The video, soon after getting shared on the internet, went viral. Most people found the fight hilarious and dubbed it ‘scripted’, while the rest called it ‘too much’. Some also called it ‘concerning’. The post was shared today and received 188K views from people.

Taking to the comment section, people shared their take. “I can’t stop laughing. This made my day,” a user said. “Full on Scripted lekin itna real q maarna (Why is she beating him up for real),” said a second. “Me if something like this happened to me after marriage- would just divorce,” said the third person. Ï don’t know if this all is scripted or not this is too much,” added a fourth. “Sound effects.. better than prabahas disgusting movies,” wrote another. “This is scripted, for sure, because if it is not then this is concerning. Point is, what even is this,” added a fifth netizen. “What even is this? What are people even doing for likes and views? Also, they really did not need to jump in a drain all for a reel. And if this is real and not scripted then this is very much concerning,” added another.

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