In an unfortunate incident within the jurisdiction of Bellare police station, a pillion rider lost his life on Thursday night. According to the complaint lodged by Jabbar K, aged 40, the accident occurred when Mahammed Razik was riding pillion on...
Know MoreIn a tragic incident, a youth died on the spot after his bike hit a banyan tree in the middle of the road at Ganeshpura...
Know Morelice have arrested the woman, who mowed down a bike rider in the city with her car. During the investigation, the accused woman told police...
Know MoreIn a horrific incident, a two-wheeler rider dragged a 71-year-old man on road for almost a kilometre on Magadi Road in the city on Tuesday...
Know MoreIn a tragic incident, a biker coming from Thokottu towards Kuttaru lost control and rammed into a divider near Sri Rajarajeshwari Siddhivinayaka Temple in Kuttaru...
Know MoreA speeding car rammed into a scooter and dragged the rider for 10 to 15 metres at Cornet Junction in Kodavoor Village of...
Know MoreIn a tragic incident, a biker was killed in an accident between a bike and car. The incident took place near Kalikeri Cross in Dotihal...
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