In a distressing incident, a 26-year-old woman passed away on Monday following a Cesarean section (C-Section) performed by doctors using mobile phone flashlights at Mumbai's Sion Hospital. The woman, identified as Saheedunnissa Ansari, tragically succumbed a few hours after delivering...
Know MoreAmid the fervor of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in Karnataka, a video surfaced capturing Congress MLA Raju Kage making intimidating remarks towards voters in...
Know MoreSpeaking at the press briefing, PML-N leader Ishaq Dar said that Nawaz Sharif's disqualification period ended on July 26.In an interview earlier this week, Shehbaz...
Know MoreAfter allowing the installation of Ganesha idols and Tipu Jayanti celebrations at Rani Channaamma Idgah grounds, the City Corporation has now allowed the installation...
Know MoreThe smell that is emanating from fire that broke out at the waste disposal plant in Pachanady has spread to the City ,Along with smell,...
Know MoreSince I was a young child, I have wanted to be able to travel with a companion using the money I would earn for myself....
Know MoreIn Karnataka, the public was forced to choose expensive private services because the government ambulance services were affected. Due to technical difficulties, the state is...
Know MoreAccording to a press release from the Iraqi Joint Operations Command (JOC), airstrikes in the al-Jallaiyat area in the western Iraqi province of Anbar resulted...
Know MoreThe ministers identified four areas where the member states expect the Commission to act: capping the profits of electricity producers with low production costs; a...
Know MoreAround 300 volunteers are expected to be trained in search and rescue operations under the ‘Aapada Mitra’ scheme in various disaster conditions. The first batch...
Know MoreCroatia's Interior Ministry announced on Monday May 2 to lift the remaining Covid - 19 entry measures, which means that travellers from all over the...
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