News Karnataka
Monday, January 13 2025

Milky Way


First-Ever Glimpse: Webb’s Findings in Milky Way Core

21-Nov-2023 Science

In a recent snapshot, the next-generation James Webb Space Telescope recorded a region of our galaxy's dense center in unprecedented clarity, revealing peculiarities that astronomers have not yet been able to...

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Life on Earth will end when rare stars in the Milky Way collide

27-Oct-2023 Science

The ozone layer protecting Earth could be torn away by a rare cataclysmic collision between two decaying stars in the Milky Way galaxy, which would...

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EHT image of black hole in centre of Milky Way produced

13-May-2022 Science

The EHT Collaboration, created the image of Sagittarius A (Sgr A) the black hole which is four million times bigger than our...

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