Chennai police reported the arrest of a man named Roshan after a disturbing video emerged showing him physically assaulting his wife in public. The incident occurred on Koyambedy bridge, where a couple was observed arguing before Roshan repeatedly struck his...
Know MoreA Pune man recently said goodbye to his allegedly toxic workplace, and it was no ordinary farewell. Aniket, a sales associate, summoned musicians to his...
Know MoreFollowing a brief gunfight on Sunday, the Delhi Police have detained a man who they believe shot and killed a taxi driver close to Red...
Know MoreLucknow: Prompt action by the Gudamba police in Lucknow led to the heartwarming reunion of a seven-year-old child, who had gone missing while on vacation...
Know MoreTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Another disturbing incident has come to light involving a beggar assaulting a Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) on the Thiruvananthapuram-Kannur Jan Shatabdi train on Thursday...
Know MoreAn 18-year-old man from Karnataka has come forward with a harrowing tale of being kidnapped and assaulted by a group of nine individuals, reportedly including...
Know MoreAuthorities have launched an investigation into the suspicious death of 30-year-old Lohitashwa from Manjotti in Nada village, following a complaint filed by his family...
Know MoreIn this city's eastern suburb of Govandi, a man's body was discovered behind a hospital, authorities reported on...
Know MoreOfficers stated on Thursday that a 29-year-old man was fatally stabbed by his estranged father in South Delhi's Tigri neighborhood the day before his wedding,...
Know MoreThe Metro reports that 31-year-old Ben Wilson has miraculously recovered after going into two cardiac arrests in June of last year, defying medical...
Know MoreThe man, on arriving on a flight from New York, decided to walk, so as to give the wheelchair to his wife, who accompanied him...
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