After five days of intense probe, the Kerala Police on Friday took three people, believed to be the suspects in the kidnapping of the 6-year old girl near Kollam on...
Know MoreEighteen hours have passed since a six year-old girl was kidnapped near Kollam while returning home along with her brother, but the Kerala police have...
Know MoreIndia’s first woman judge of the Supreme Court Fathima Beevi breathed her last at a private hospital at Kollam on Thursday. She was 96-years-old and...
Know MoreEleven Sri Lankan nationals, who were planning to go to Australia by a boat from Kerala's Kollam, were taken into custody from a...
Know MoreKollam, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Kozhikode, and Kannur have run out of Covishield...
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