With the release of the poster for his upcoming film "Japan," Tamil superstar Karthi has excited his fans to no end. Karthi plays a very intriguing part in this heist-action-thriller-comedy, where she plays an incredibly smart, swagger-filled, thrill-seeking...
Know MoreIndian actor Karthik Sivakumar, professionally known as Karthi, is a name that needs no introduction. The actor, who was most recently seen in the Mani...
Know MoreDirector P.S Mithran's superhit spy thriller 'Sardar', featuring Karthi in the lead, will release on OTT on November...
Know MoreRaju Murugan, best known for making the National Award-winning, critically acclaimed superhit film 'Joker', will be directing Karthi's 25th film titled 'Japan', which went on...
Know MoreShowering praise on producer Lakshman Kumar, who has produced his recent film 'Sardar' which has become a hit, actor Karthi said that he was a...
Know MorePrince Pictures, the production house behind 'Sardar', on its Twitter handle put out a teaser making an announcement that a sequel will be...
Know MoreShowering praises on actor Jayaram, with whom he worked on director Mani Ratnam's eagerly awaited magnum opus, 'Ponniyin Selvan', actor Karthi said that only Jayaram...
Know MoreActor Jayam Ravi, who plays the titular role of 'Ponniyin Selvan' (also known as prince Arun Mozhi Varman) in director Mani Ratnam's upcoming magnum opus,...
Know MoreSuriya is a great human being with the most generous heart: Actor...
Know MoreKarthi took to Twitter to discuss Lokesh Kanakaraj's 'Vikram.' The film, which was released on June 7, has received widespread acclaim....
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