On May 1, Bengaluru International Airport police apprehended a 22-year-old student, Karthik Karan, for allegedly attempting to open the emergency exit door of a domestic flight during travel. Karan, a native of Kolkata and a first-year MCA student, was on...
Know MoreAs the deadline approaches for the implementation of an order issued by Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mullai Muhilan, confusion reigns regarding the installation of doors on...
Know MoreThe deputy commissioner (DC) issued a directive stating that all private city buses registered since 2017 must install doors within the next month and submit...
Know MoreVedavyas Kamath, the BJP candidate went door to door and solicited votes in Hoigebazar Ward of Mangaluru City South Assembly...
Know MoreIn another incident of unruly behavior by an air passenger, a drunk flyer on board an IndiGo flight from Delhi to Bengaluru tried to open...
Know MoreDemocratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) State President Muneer Katipalla launched a Door-to-door protests in front of Jokatte Gram Panchayat on Sunday February...
Know MoreMP Karadi Sanganna said that the Party High Command will take a decision on Former Minister Gali Janardhana...
Know MoreFortunately, a major mishap was averted in the backwaters of Sharavati on Saturday November 26 when the driver lost control of the bus and plunged...
Know MoreA Lingayat seer has embarked on a door-to-door campaign to raise funds for a school building in Ghattaraga village on the banks of river Bhima...
Know MoreThe Police have arrested two persons in connection with killing a python and hanging it on the door of village forest committee office, forest officials...
Know MoreA statement by Parliament said that 203 lawmakers voted in favour of opening the candidacy, while 62 deputies abstained, reports Xinhua news...
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