In the realm of mysterious occurrences, some defy explanation, and a recent video circulating online depicting a girl seemingly floating in midair is one such enigma. The footage captured inside a classroom in Pune portrays a schoolgirl in an unconscious...
Know MoreMLA Vedavyas Kamath laid foundation stone for the construction of 12 rooms at various schools in the...
Know MoreChildren spend a lot of their quality time at school. Their language, relationships with other students and teachers, values along with their academic performance have...
Know MoreIt also emphasized that it has not touched any "religious aspect" in the hijab ban...
Know MoreIn a shocking incident, a Class 10 student died during a scuffle with two...
Know MoreJawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has extended the last date for its prestigious full time MBA course to March 10. Atal Bihari Vajpayee School of management...
Know MorePolice Commissioner N. Shashi Kumar on Wednesday February 16 said that as many as 28 students of two City colleges were sent back home after...
Know MoreAs of Monday, all students across Australia's New South Wales (NSW) state have returned to their classrooms after nearly four months of online learning at...
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