In a groundbreaking achievement, Gukesh Dommaraju has emerged as the youngest-ever challenger for the World Chess title, shaking the foundations of the chess world. The 17-year-old Indian prodigy secured this remarkable feat by triumphing in the Candidates chess tournament held...
Know MoreIndia's tennis star Rohan Bopanna became the oldest man to win a Grand Slam after he and his men's doubles partner Matthew Ebden won the...
Know MoreDirector Venkat Prabhu, an avid cricket fan, wasted no time as he was one of the first to congratulate Virat Kohli, calling him a "Champion"...
Know MoreParalympian swimmer Niranjan Mukundan, who was formerly the Junior World Champion, has called actor Suriya a gentleman and said that the Tamil star was the...
Know MoreA lawsuit filed in Los Angeles alleges that George Foreman sexually assaulted at least two women in the 1970s, local media...
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