In a devastating turn of events at Kolya Kaneeruthota near Ullal, the local community mourns the untimely demise of 28-year-old Jeetesh, a beloved resident. The shocking incident unfolded as Jeetesh, after completing his dinner as usual, retired to bed on...
Know MoreOf the many farmers that gathered at the Shambhu border for the Dilli Chalo protest, one was said to have even lost his life, breathing...
Know MoreIn a medical first, a 24-year-old man from Oman underwent a successful fifth repeat open heart...
Know MoreAn Indian-American researcher Girish N. Nadkarni-led study has revealed that Covid vaccination is associated with fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues among people...
Know More"In this procedure we used the Impella device, which is a miniature heart pump that supports the patient vitals during the process of angioplasty," he...
Know MoreA dowry harassment victim's father died of a heart attack on Sunday March...
Know MoreA farmer, who was protesting at the Singhu border against the three contentious farm laws, died due to cardiac arrest on Monday September 27, the...
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