News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024


Elon Musk: First Human Receives Neuralink Brain Chip, Recovery on Track

30-Jan-2024 Science

According to co-founder Elon Musk, Neuralink, a neurotechnology company based in California, has successfully implanted a wireless brain chip in a human for the first...

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Study Suggests Handwriting Boosts Brain Health

28-Jan-2024 Health & Lifestyle

Using a keyboard is recommended because it's often faster than writing by hand....

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Seizure-Free Hope: UK Teen’s Success in Brain Surgery

26-Dec-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Angus Bain, 17, has successfully undergone a life-changing laser brain surgery that cured him of his...

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Hope Rises as Brain Cell Breakthrough Aids Fertility Research

23-Dec-2023 Health & Lifestyle

A particular class of neuron in the brain has been shown by Japanese researchers to influence the release of hormones that regulate ovarian function, including...

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Climate change events may soon start affecting your brain functioning: Study

27-Nov-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Increasing extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and hurricanes, and associated forest fires and floods caused by global warming may impact our brain...

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Simple 20 mins workouts can boost brain after a bad night’s sleep

24-Nov-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Didn’t get a good night’s sleep? Just 20 minutes of moderate exercises can boost your brain, according to a study.The study, led by the University...

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People with substance use disorder may have common brain network: Study

26-Sep-2023 Health & Lifestyle

A common brain network likely exists among people addicted to nicotine, alcohol, cocaine or heroin, finds a study.The findings, published in Nature Mental...

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Brain signals may determine your memory performance

26-Sep-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Ever wondered why you are less able to remember things than your peers? Researchers have now discovered certain brain signals that may explain the difference...

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Researchers find brain’s blue spot linked to sleep, memory

24-Sep-2023 Health & Lifestyle

A 'blue spot' in the brain linked to sleep and memory has been identified by researchers, an advance that may help understand how sleep is...

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1 in 3 long Covid patients may face multiple organ damage: Lancet

24-Sep-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Nearly a third of patients showed abnormalities in multiple organs, particularly in the lungs, brain and kidneys, five months after Covid-19...

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Decoded: How toxic proteins accumulate in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s?

22-Sep-2023 Health & Lifestyle

Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have identified how tau protein -- part of the brain's infrastructure -- gets knotted up into tangles and turns toxic...

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