During their recent match against Mohun Bagan Super Giant, Bengaluru FC teamed up with Second Chance Sanctuary, an animal shelter, to raise awareness about pet adoption. The Kanteerava Stadium in Bengaluru witnessed a heartwarming scene as players from both teams walked onto the field accompanied by rescued dogs, shedding light on the importance of adoption and fostering.
Enthusiastic Collaboration
Darren Caldeira, Director of Football at Bengaluru FC, expressed the club’s enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, “Our love for animals at Bengaluru FC is no secret, and we’re over the moon to be joining hands with the lovely people at Second Chance Sanctuary. This is our small little way of highlighting their efforts.”
Impactful Initiative
Although Bengaluru FC faced a 4-0 defeat against Mohun Bagan Super Giant on the field, the awareness campaign marked the beginning of a series of unique activities planned by Bengaluru FC in partnership with Second Chance Sanctuary.
Social Media Buzz
The heartwarming video of the initiative was widely shared on social media platforms, earning praise from across the globe. Comments flooded in, with one user exclaiming, “Best thing I’ve seen on the internet today!!” Another user highlighted the camaraderie between Bengaluru FC and its fans, stating, “Chetri with Bengaluru fans.” A third football enthusiast described the initiative as “the sweetest thing I’ve seen in ISL.” The video not only showcased the compassionate side of sports but also highlighted the impact of collaborative efforts in promoting social causes.