News Karnataka
Thursday, September 19 2024

May upholding dignity of women be our neo resolution

women in constituent assembly
Photo Credit : Twitter

Swami Vivekananda stated, “The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is, the treatment of its women.” Women in India have always been in news for reports on domestic violence, as a rape victims, or being trolled on her social involvement. News on her bravery, success and achievements too are very rarely recorded.

The active women’s participation in the freedom struggle was seen post-arrival of Mahatma Gandhi. It was Gandhi who gave an open statement regarding the rights of women. Once during Gandhi’s talks on women’s rights, a question, ‘What if women disagree to wear Khadi’ (as an anti-British movement ) was posed and so Gandhi said, even if women disagree on doing things then man has no right to force her for it. Reading the history of Indian independence, the focus on women freedom fighters or studies focusing on their sacrifice in the freedom struggle is less found. This automatically barred the generations from learning about her involvement.

Post Independence, reading the history of the constituent Assembly and its committees the question arises, “Did a single woman participate in a committee which is stated to have equal representation from all communities?! To the shock and surprise, the answer is yes. There existed a total of fifteen female representations in the constituent Assembly committee. With Dakshyayini Velayudhan being the only Dalit and Begum Aizaz Rasul the only Muslim woman elected.

On November 26, celebrating Constitutional Day the Prime Minister of the nation was witnessed to be recognising the forgotten women members in history. Commemorating the constitutional Day upholding the fundamental duty of the constitution, may upholding the dignity of women and not abiding by practices derogatory to her dignity be our neo resolution.

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Sumayya Parveen A.

Sumayya is a Journalism, Eng. Literature and History Graduate & IAS Aspirant. She is also a budding writer and poetess.

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