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Sunday, June 30 2024
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Cyberbullying: A parent’s guide on how to handle it

Photo Credit : Pixabay

Children nowadays spend maximum time on phones/social networking sites than reading books. Of course, it has a lot of fun elements and entertainment segments which takes away the stress from them. Meanwhile, it has too many adverse effects and parents and children are aware of it, yet both can’t deny the fact that social networking sites are now a part of life which is more important than relationships and values. However, another important fact is that most parents are unaware of children’s activity in virtual life. The present online classes add as an excuse to involve in the same process.

There are few children who are overly addicted to phones, and games and ignore the fact that there is one more beautiful and real-life present outside. By having so many pros and cons in the line, there are few things parents need to know, even though you are involved in children’s online activities.

Revealing personal information

Children as well as teens love to get attention. But sometimes this tendency will leave the parents in trouble. Children post every personal detail like the current location and events in their life which is not safe. There are so many examples of robbery, and human trafficking that has happened by providing important/personal details to strangers.

Online bullying

Children silently face so many issues, and also feel guilty to share the experience with adults. Online harassment, blackmailing, posting embarrassing photos, sending/receiving abusive, and hurtful messages, creating fake profiles to harm others, and sharing sexual content photos or videos are a few examples of bullying. Children might engage in this, or become the victim. However, children may not share these things easily with elders, hence handling these issues are necessary for parents in terms of your children’s well-being.


When children get addicted to phones, it’s difficult for them to come out from them, just like adults. At times it provides information and knowledge but it takes away their precious time. You will get to know that your children are addicted to phones when their daily activities such as hygiene, and school-related work are interrupted.

Here are a few tips for parents to handle these issues.

1) Always keep a track of their social activities. But do not offend them by asking Why and What questions but make sure you always like their work if you find something is not convincing, tell them your opinion about it. Do not force them.

2) Make sure there is a big NO for revealing personal information. Let you people have a deal of not sharing it and also the reason behind it.

3) Observe your child’s emotions. Most of the time they may not share what is happening in their virtual life. Ask if there is any trouble, make sure you stand by them and also let them know the cyber laws which help them.

4) Let there be a contingency contract for their addiction. Your children can keep the phone away for a contract with parents, if they break they can pay for it.

5) There are always positive sides, so always concentrate on the positive aspect of social networking sites.

Cyberbullying is a common problem, which children may feel fearful to talk about. This in turn will make them undergo tension, and anxiety or depression-related mental health issues. Sometimes it will lead to suicide also. So, as a parent make sure you are with them and also guide them with the best you can do.

By mirkosajkov

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Ramya E.

The author is a counselor and lifeskills trainer who has trained over 2000 students. She holds an M.Sc. in Psychology.

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