Directed by Gore Verbinski, Rango (Voiced by Johnny Depp) is a story about a pet chameleon whose life gets thrown into chaos when his terrarium flies out of his owner’s car during an accident, stranding him in the desert. From there, he encounters a large number of strange characters and ends himself in a small town in the desert called Dirt. To win over friends, Rango fabricates stories of gunfights and ends up in charge of the town’s sheriff.
Dirt is a distressed town that lacks water and is overrun by criminals. Rango becomes the sheriff that the town needs. The town’s bank is looted, and when all of the town’s water supplies disappear, the main struggle of the movie begins. To unravel the mystery and return water, hope, and security to the town of Dirt, Rango must put together a team.
While stumbling through the job, he tries to win over Beans (Isla Fisher), a lizard, and also resolve a water crisis in the town. Bill Nighy plays a rattlesnake that is hired by a corrupt turtle mayor to kill Rango.
Rango needs to save lives in addition to solving complicated cases and bringing criminals to justice. He is continuously bluffing the entire time. There is a lot more that happens in the movie, but I try to avoid giving spoilers in reviews.
The entire movie has stunning animation. Although the plot might seem simple, it has a distinctive visual appeal. In the movie’s climax, Rango’s identity struggle is fairly depressing, and many of the jokes contain satirical allusions therefore the kids will find it difficult to comprehend the message in the film. However, it indeed is worth your time.
In 2012, Rango won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film of the Year.