Directed by Steven Spielberg, the Bridge of Spies is a film about the Cold War. We see that both the US and the USSR used several resources to spy on one another, and inevitably, someone got caught.
The movie opens in 1957 with Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) being taken into custody in Brooklyn, New York. The US Government asks James Donovan (Tom Hanks) to represent Rudolf to give the sense that he is being given a fair trial. From this point on, Donovan’s feeling of responsibility compels him to act beyond simple defence, putting him in danger while also giving him the chance to save lives.
James Donovan puts up a strong fight against a lot of hardship. His performance is serious and brilliant. Even the actors who only appear in one scene in the movie provide excellent performances that feel natural given what is happening around them, which demonstrates the brilliance of the direction.
Every time the movie starts to drag a little, something happens to move the plot or elevate the stakes. Bridge of Spies is a master at building suspense when it’s called for.
The detailing used in accurately recapturing the 1950s and 1960s world is another advantage of the movie. The props, which range from clothing to vehicles, help the audience truly experience the setting and age of the movie.
It can be recalled that in the 2016 Academy Awards, Mark Rylance won Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role.
This movie is the perfect option if you are looking for a story that will pique your mind, motivate your behaviour, and enliven your soul. The moment you cross the Bridge of Spies, the world will no longer appear quite the same.