Prabhas’ upcoming movie ‘Kalki AD 2898‘ has fallen victim to yet another leak, with a scene featuring Deepika Padukone circulating on social media. This comes after a previous leak of stills from the film. The producers have issued a stern statement, warning that sharing any material from the movie is a criminal offense under the Copyright Act. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the mythological and period film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Disha Patani, and Kamal Haasan in lead roles. The film is scheduled for release in January 2024.
Prabhas, who was last seen in ‘Adipurush’, is gearing up for his next film, ‘Salaar’. Additionally, the actor has the movie ‘Kalki AD 2898’ with director Nag Ashwin. While the shooting for this multi-starrer action film is in progress, a scene sequence from the movie has surfaced online, causing a stir.
In the leaked footage, actress Deepika Padukone is seen performing a scene from the film, generating buzz across social media platforms.
This is not the first instance of footage being leaked from the ‘Kalki AD 2898’ sets. In September, stills from the film were leaked online, creating considerable excitement among the audience. The filmmakers took official action against the perpetrators, emphasizing that sharing any materials from the film is a criminal offense under the Copyright Act of 1957.
As of now, the movie makers have not announced any specific measures against the newly leaked footage. ‘Kalki AD 2898’ is a mythological and period film directed by Nag Ashwin. The star-studded cast includes Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Disha Patani, and Kamal Haasan. The film’s music is composed by Santhosh Narayanan, and it is slated for release in January 2024.