Actress Ramya, also known by her name Divya Spandana in the Tamil cinema, has decided to step away from the Kannada film Uttarakaanda, in which Dhananjaya plays the lead role. The film, which was planned as a two-part project, was intended to mark her return to the big screen after a hiatus during which she focused on her political career.
Ramya conveyed her decision to withdraw from the film through a statement posted on her Instagram account. “Due to scheduling conflicts, I regret to inform that I won’t be able to proceed with Uttarakaanda. I’ve temporarily paused my commitments in both cinema and politics. My best wishes to the team,” she stated.
This marks the second instance where Ramya has had to step back from a project after initially signing on. She was initially slated to star opposite Raj B Shetty in her debut production Swathi Mutthina Male Haniye, a Kannada relationship drama, but was later replaced by Siri Ravikumar.
Uttarakaanda is being produced by KRG Studios and directed by Rohit Padaki. Following their previous venture Rathnan Prapancha, featuring Dhananjaya, which premiered directly on OTT platforms in 2021, this marks KRG Studios’ second film.
Apart from Dhananjaya, Uttarakaanda also features veteran Kannada actor Shivarajkumar. The film is positioned as a gangster drama set in North Karnataka, with the makers recently unveiling the first promotional material for the movie.
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