News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Naveen Kumar Unveils Vibrant Colors of Sandalwood

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Fashion designer Naveen Kumar, who still works for Sandalwood stars in the Kannada film industry, has taken part in 132 top fashion shows across 18 states, showcasing his collections. He is one of the few Indian designers who specializes in hand-worked sequin costumes and feather wings. Regarding the relationship between popular culture and film, Naveen states, “Vivid colors are a hallmark of Sandalwood films.

They know how to make a visual impact with bold reds, bright yellows, and so many other vibrant hues. It’s not just in India, but people all around the world have started embracing these bold and vibrant colors in their fashion choices, since sandalwood movies have gained attention of overseas market.” He further adds, “Sandalwood stars participating in fashion events serves as a social media fashion icons being the face of the South Indian fashion industry, in addition to acting in films. We rely on sandalwood films and stars wide reach and for the appealing factor and to gain attention.”

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