Anushka Shetty, a prominent figure in Telugu cinema for over two decades, has recently made headlines with her foray into Malayalam cinema. The actress, known for her impactful roles, took a break from the industry after her appearance in ‘Baahubali 2’. Upon her return, she focused on women-centric and smaller-budget films, showcasing her versatility.
Now, Anushka Shetty is set to make her debut in Malayalam cinema with a horror film directed by Rojin Thomas, a highly regarded filmmaker in the industry. Titled ‘Katanaar: The Wild Survivor’, the movie features Anushka portraying the role of a fairy or soul from Kerala folklore known as ‘Kaliyankattu Neeli’. Director Rojin, known for his previous work in ‘Home’, has commenced shooting for the film.
‘Katanaar: The Wild Survivor’ is said to revolve around the dynamic between a magician and a ghost, blending elements of horror with action and suspense. Anushka Shetty was drawn to the story and her character’s significance, expressing her eagerness to be a part of the project.
Originally from Mangalore, Anushka Shetty’s journey in the film industry began with her breakthrough role alongside Akkineni Nagarjuna in the Telugu film ‘Super’ in 2005. Since then, she has established herself as a sought-after actress until her brief hiatus in 2018. Following her return, she has appeared in films like ‘Nishabdham’ (2020) and ‘Miss Shetty, Mr Polishetty (2023), both of which garnered success. Her venture into Malayalam cinema marks an exciting new chapter in her illustrious career.
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